Opening reception with the artist May 6, from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Wine and refreshments will be served
Musical performance by guitarist and vocalist Charlie Sutton and vocalist April Heyde

Show runs from May 6 to May 27

"The Women Baroque Volume I collection of paintings tells the stories of inspirational women in my life - each 'chapter' a painting - a book on canvas." - Nelson Duran

Nelson Antonio Duran was born in Honduras, Central America and came to the United States to attend university after winning a Central American Peace Scholarship.
Nelson graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Idaho in 2002 with four years of study in architecture, interior design and fine art.
During his studies, he was influenced by the colorful architecture of Luis Barragan, the designs of Piero Fornasetti and the elements of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Marc Chagall. His primary medium is acrylic on canvas, but he also works with watercolor, pencil and charcoal.

The Bank Left Gallery -- 100 South Bridge Street, Palouse, WA 99161

Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm, or by appointment
Nelson Duran and Pamela Duran, 509.878.8425