The Bank Left Gallery in Palouse, Washington begins its Christmas Open House
on December 2nd, 2006 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
The gallery will feature new acrylic on canvas paintings by Palouse artist Eddy Gnaedinger and furniture design by Deary, Idaho artist Paul Wisdom. In addition, there will be a booksigning and poetry reading by Moscow author Georgia Tiffany at 2:00pm. Georgia's new book is titled Cut From the Score. Artist Karen Bousman from Garfield will also debut her new paper mache Christmas sculptures.
Musical performance by pianist Caroline Hilty-Jones and vocalist Nancy Grunewald
The entire exhibit runs from December 2nd to December 31st
Eddy Gnaedinger
Eddy Gnaedinger was born in 1946, and grew up in Pullman, Washington. After attending college at Eastern Washington State University and graduate school in Fine Art at Washington State University, he set out to live a life revolving around art.
He traveled and worked for several years until settling in Palouse, Washington in 1975, where he now lives with his wife Elizabeth. It is here in Palouse that he began painting seriously.
He has shown in various group and one-man shows in the northwest, and his paintings are presently in personal collections throughout the United States and Canada.
"All we have of life, from the time we are born until we die, is the process of life itself and nothing more. Our joys and sorrows, pains and ecstasies, and even our deeds or lack of them are part of this process. Art too is a process rather than a product and can be nearly all inclusive. It may range from painting to farming, and its artness comes from the attitude of those doing it. The product that we obtain from this process is merely a leftover, which we have to view, and enjoy, and grow from. It is this product that I submit for public view in hopes that it brings pleasure as well as concern for our life on earth."
"My paintings deal largely with the world’s struggle to withstand the influence of man. Though I seldom represent man directly in my work, his place is suggested by the man-made objects, nearly always present in my paintings. The distinction between the natural and the unnatural is often obscure in the world around us. Moreover the separations between black and white, legal and illegal, and good and evil are becoming vague as well. I try to portray this scene, this obscured reality."
"With the condition of the earth, politically, physically, and morally, becoming an ever more serious matter all around us, I feel that Art needs to provide an escape into a meaningful reality. My pictures attempt to provide this escape for the viewer, while at the same time portraying the plight of our world."
-- Eddy Gnaedinger
Paul Wisdom

Paul Wisdom is a furniture maker and designer. His work illustrates his appreciation and understanding of Oriental design. He uses cherry wood and steel to create sculptural designs that suggest serenity and simplicity.
In 2006 Paul traveled to China to study the use of bronze for future designs and to better understand the Asian culture.
"morning light, the transition time, viewing the world from a quiet place, shadow/light, positive/negative, motion/stillness. Searching for the subtle, the hidden, the obvious. Small fragments of the day for blending with the creative process...allow the process to become the meditation..."
-- Paul Wisdom
Georgia Tiffany
"Georgia Tiffany is precisely the sort of poet I admire and envy. For her,
poems arrive as naturally -- and necessarily -- as breath, ambient with the
sad and beautiful music that defines both her subject and her style in
these marvelous poems." -- Gaylord Brewer
With undergraduate and graduate degrees from Indiana University, Georgia's original passion was the piano until back surgery ended her opportunity to perform with orchestras and chamber music groups. She subsequently has taught English at the high school and university level and recently received her graduate creative writing degree from the University of Idaho. She has received a Washington Commission for the Humanities Grant and a National Endowment for the Arts Grant, and was an Institute Fellow for the Washington State Arts Education Project, as well as a Teacher Consultant for the Northwest Inland Writing Project.
Her work has appeared in anthologies and in over 50 different national and international magazines and journals including Agenda, Weber Studies, Tar River Poetry, Flint Hills Review, Mid-America Poetry Review, Willow Springs, Rhino, Hubbub, Iris, South Dakota Review, Malahat Review, Poetry Ireland, North Dakota Quarterly, and American Forests. A native of Spokane, Washington, she now lives in Moscow, Idaho where she teaches and writes.
Cut from the Score is a collaboration of sounds, words, images hand-held one letter at a time.
"Arthur Rubenstein wired New York. On a freighter unable to dock because of a strike was his personal Steinway for the upcoming concert in Buenos Aires. The Steinway company shipped a concert grand by air. It was 1947, and the first time a grand piano had been flown to a concert."
"That year I was five. I began piano lessons. My piano teacher said music is flight for the soul. Poetry, I believe, is also flight for the soul."
"In his paintings, Claude Monet managed to create a delicate balance between what is seen and what is felt. Poetry can do that. And, like an impressionist painting, poetry has to do with the first dot and its unlimited possibilities. It has to do with the progressive limitations of possibilities imposed by the second dot, and the third, and so on, the touch of the moment, and the synthesizing of different complementary colors. Most of all, it has to do with a way of discovering the resonances, with feeling the vibrations and what they, in turn, set in motion. It has to do with the sometimes violent collisions, and the never quite resolved resolutions that paint themselves off the page. The challenge: to find the music, the visual resonances, and the language required to process the awareness, an operative intellect that does not intrude on the imagination while translating the code. As Andrei Biely said, 'No form of art is entirely self-contained'."
-- Georgia Tiffany
The Bank Left Gallery -- 100 South Bridge Street, Palouse, WA 99161
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Saturday 10:00am - 5:00pm, or by appointment
Nelson Duran and Pamela Duran, 509.878.8425