Linda Fletcher
The Bank Left Gallery featured artist for June is Tekoa watercolor artist
Linda Fletcher. This exhibit will showcase Fletcher's new series of paintings, "Every Summer Morning". This collection embodies over 20 new paintings,
from romantic florals and human forms to serene landscapes.
The opening reception with the artist is June 6th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm,
with a musical performance by WSU Jazz Musician Geoff Allen.
This Exhibit runs from June 6th through June 28th.

The Bank Left Gallery
Fine Art & Design
The Old Bank Building
100 South Bridge Street
PO Box 81
Palouse, WA 99161
Nelson Duran
and Pamela Duran
Thur - Sat, 11:00-5:00
Thur - Sat,
Dinners by reservation only