The Bank Left Gallery

"While Listening to Chopin..."
Linda Fletcher

"While Listening to Chopin..." is a watercolor exhibit by Tekoa artist
Linda Fletcher at The Bank Left Gallery from June 5 - July 3, 2010.

Linda's exhibit celebrates the charms of spring and the 200th birthday
of Chopin. This collection of new paintings is a visual interpretation
of his beautiful, influential music. The opening reception
with the artist and live music is June 5th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm.

Following the reception, The Bank Left Bistro will be featuring Feijoada, a traditional Brazilian dinner prepared by Brazilian artist Jocival Ferreira. The price of the dinner is $20.00.

Please call 509-878-1800 or 509-878-8425, or e-mail us for reservations.

This exhibit is free to the public.



The Bank Left Gallery
Fine Art & Design

The Old Bank Building
100 South Bridge Street
PO Box 81
Palouse, WA 99161

Nelson Duran
and Pamela Duran

Thur - Sat, 11:00-5:00
Thur - Sat, 11:30-2:00

Dinners by reservation only