Welcome a New Artist to the Bank Left Gallery
Diane Barron
From Surrealism to Realism
The Bank Left Gallery will debut the eclectic art of painter Diane Barron from Worley, Idaho.
This collection will include a number of her paintings series: Paris in my Blood, Northwest in my Heart, Dreamscapes, and a new abstract, Thoughts.
The opening reception with the artist is June 9th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm.
Following the artist reception on June 9th, the Bank Left Bistro will feature an artist dinner from 5:00pm - 7:30pm.
For information call 509-878-1800 or email bankleft@vistpalouse.com
This show will run from June 9th to July 7th.

"Don't Fence Me In"
"I love it all... art that is. To fence an artist into one area is a shame.
It's like telling a horn player he must not stray from jazz. I think of
each of my diversions as a series. There's the Paris in my Blood;
Northwest in my Heart; Dreamscapes; and a new abstract Thoughts."
"Variety is the spice of life... right? I received my BA in Art Education
and Practice from Michigan State University, and an MA in Education
from the University of Idaho. I received my LA and LM (Life Achievements
and Life Moments) as we all have --- from being alive. It is from these that
I draw my inspiration. I enjoyed a long career as a high school art
teacher. Thank you for coming to see my acrylic paintings, and I
hope this will give you a LM."
Sincerely, Diane Barron